Breedings Available
2024 Breedings Available
The tax-deductible donations of breeding's is one of SRF's most important fundraisers every year and are very much appreciated. These breedings are available for sale throughout the season until the breeding sheds close in July 2024.
Some folks are concerned that more babies being born through the SRF fundraiser adds to the problem of more horses in need. Breedings are sold whether donated to SRF or sold by the owner. When SRF benefits the funds are applied to help horses in need.
Thank you to our wonderful donors. Contact Judy at 609-738-3255 or email her at SRFhorsesandkids@gmail.com to purchase or donate breedings.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS - All prices are in US dollars. A 10% deposit is required, the balance is due to Standardbred Retirement Foundation with a live foal. PLEASE do not purchase for mares over 20 yrs old, ones that have been barren 2+ consecutive years, ones due to foal after May 10, or those that are already booked.
List of breedings,
some have multiple breedings available: