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Planned Giving to SRF via your Securities, Donor-Advised Funds, or an IRA Charitable Rollover


Gifts of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds are tax-deductible to the full extent of the Internal Revenue Code.  Complete the form below to give to SRF through a securities transfer or call 609-738-3255. To make a gift of securities, submit the form below to receive DTC instructions (securities gifts only). For gifts of mutual fund shares or cash, please call the office at 609-738-3255.

External Donor-Advised Fund

Standardbred Retirement Foundation (SRF) is pleased to accept grants from Donor-Advised Funds (DAF). Typically, donors will visit their external DAF portal and request that their custodian issue us a grant (Legal Name: Standardbred Retirement Foundation, Federal Tax Identification Number: 52-0325043 ). Your administrator will typically mail the check to the primary address they have on file for SRF, or your administrator may send us the funds electronically. Either way, please make us aware of this forthcoming gift, so that we can ensure that it is properly allocated and designated. Since externally managed DAFs can take time to be processed and sent, this form will notify us of your grant and help us make sure your grant is properly credited and designated.  If you have any questions about making a grant via a Donor-Advised Fund, please e-mail

IRA  - Qualified Charitable Distribution

Retirement-plan benefits are often a significant portion of individual net worth. Designating SRF as the beneficiary of retirement assets is one of the smartest ways for donors to make a gift and bypass multiple levels of taxation. Retirement-plan assets include individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 401(k) plans, profit-sharing plans, Keogh plans, and 403(b) plans.


If you are 70 1/2 or older and own an IRA, a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a simple and tax-efficient way to make a gift to SRF. 


If you have a traditional IRA, there is another smart way to give to an area you care about at SRF. You can contribute, also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), directly from your IRA that is 100% tax-free, whether or not you itemize deductions on your tax return.


For your gift to qualify as a QCD, you must be at least 70 ½ and be gifting from a traditional IRA*.


*Under certain circumstances, it is possible to make a qualified charitable distribution from a Roth IRA, but the requirements and tax implications may differ. We suggest that you speak with your tax advisor to understand whether it is appropriate for your situation.


Put your IRA required minimum distributions to great use:


When you direct your required minimum distribution to SRF, it becomes a QCD—which is no longer considered taxable income. IRA owners who are at least 70 ½ may transfer as much as $105,000 directly each year, tax-free. Please visit the IRS website for additional useful information on QCDs.


Here is how to make this simple and tax-efficient gift to SRF:


Complete your IRA distribution form and request a 3rd party check made payable to Standardbred Retirement Foundation, our tax ID is 52-0325043.


Have the check mailed to us at:
Attn: QCD Gift Processing
Standardbred Retirement Foundation
PO Box 312
Perrineville, NJ 08535


Let us know about your forthcoming check by filling out this form:

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